It's possible to print some images grid MxN with best graph?

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It's possible to print some images grid MxN with best graph?

Postby arhangelsoft » February 9th, 2014, 1:46 pm

Greetings kambiz!

Is is possible to print some images as grid MxN using your Print components?

In my situation, user draws some one image(is base) 300x150 for example, after that, he puts grid size as matrix MxN on the A4 page.
I need build this grid without graphics defects on the A4 list and send this to the printer.

Grid can be view like this:
or this:

How to do that, using your components?
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Re: It's possible to print some images grid MxN with best gr

Postby Kambiz » February 11th, 2014, 6:15 pm

The PrintPreview just offers a print canvas with some helper methods/properties. The result would be just your own code to calculate the grid bounding rectangles and draw the images.
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Re: It's possible to print some images grid MxN with best gr

Postby arhangelsoft » February 11th, 2014, 8:46 pm

Hm, while generating big bitmap(size equal real A4, A3 :d), I got some errors(Out of memory, for example). While I paint this big image, I also drop some graphics perfomance, and result image isn't so perfect as user want see in out of printer.

Have any way to scale my bitmaps directly into yor component in run-time?
I have some algoritms to calculate image position in grid, using width, height of sheet and base image, the problem in drawning that, on sheet & printer without graphics defects.
Last edited by arhangelsoft on February 16th, 2014, 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It's possible to print some images grid MxN with best gr

Postby Kambiz » February 16th, 2014, 10:38 am

The PrintPreview component has three methods that you can use to draw an image for proper printing. These methods are PaintGraphic, PaintGraphicEx and PaintGraphicEx2.
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