Recording Line In and application audio

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Recording Line In and application audio

Postby JamesBrown » December 10th, 2015, 6:57 pm

It seems like these components should be able to help me but can someone please verify if what I want to do can be done at all.
I have a Delphi recording device ( a Spectrum Analyzer) that works fine from audio coming in through Line 1 on my sound card. I get it by setting the default record device to Line 1.
I also have Delphi sound generating device (Tone Generator) that works fine and plays through the speakers.
I would like to be able to mix the Line 1 input and the Tone Generator and routed the mix to my recording device.
Is this possible?

BTW I am running Windows 10 64 bit and using RAD studio Seattle.
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Joined: March 17th, 2012, 3:25 pm

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