Meeseeks scripting language for Android

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Meeseeks scripting language for Android

Postby AndreMurta » December 7th, 2015, 10:24 pm


I would like to share a small library I made to embed scripting in Delphi XE7 apps for Android. I called it Meeseeks because it's supposed to work quite like the cartoon character, scripts are created to help the execution of some small tasks or computations in the host application, producing the results and expiring just after.

The script language is similar to old fashioned structured BASIC, do not expect any fancy syntax, but it works fine to the purpose described above. It's possible to easily extend the existing language's libraries or create new libraries by integration with Delphi methods, I included some examples and wrote some material about how to do it, just look for it in my website, the links are also available in the Github page.

By the way... the link to the Github page is here.

I have to talk a little bit about the test projects. If you read the website material, you will realize there are four small projects used to explain the library details, as for example, how to integrate the library files in new Delphi projects and how to extend it. There are two bigger projects which are the Meeseeks boxes. Those were written to demonstrate a Delphi application using all the currently available resources of the library. There are two "Meeseeks box" applications, one including the database utilities and another one not including it. The reason for that is that the database library was written using Devart UniDAC, which is a third party tool I cannot include in my materials because it does not belong to me.

This project was written focusing in Delphi apps for Android, but I think with some minimal efforts it could be adapted to other operating systems. It was tested using the XE7 version of RAD Studio, I do not have access to any other version of it, so I don't know if changes have to be made in order to compile the project in a different version of RAD Studio.

The reason to create this project was that I needed such functionality to an application I had to develop. There are scripting solutions freely available in the web, but generally such solutions are more complex and/or do not focus solely in Android. Meeseeks lacks a lot of resources available in nowadays scripting languages but it is small (you could use just the standard library of functions, that means two files added to the Delphi project with about 9K source lines including comments), easy to understand, reasonably fast and does what I needed at the occasion.

I hope it can be useful to someone else like it is for me.

Last comments... I was able to publish a "Meeseeks Box" (database functionalities included) in the Google Play Store, I had to change (obviously) the names, images and even the comments inside the demo scripts, but it was accepted and is now available for install (and it was written 100% in Delphi).

The Box

For other problems maybe what you need is a "Fleeseeks Box", but that would be another project.

My best wishes for all of you guys.
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Joined: December 7th, 2015, 10:14 pm

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