RichEdit content not rendered in TPrintPreview

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RichEdit content not rendered in TPrintPreview

Postby neubert » August 23rd, 2015, 10:02 am


I am in the process of replacing my own less feature-rich previewer by a version using TPrintPreview.

I placed a TPrintPreview and TThumbnailPreview component on my form plus a TRichEdit and essentially copied the RenderRichEdit method (minus the images) from the RichPrint demo.

I load a file into the RichEdit. This displays fine. But the pages are not rendered correctly. More or less pages are created according to the size of the file, the two frames are shown on each page, but no content is visible within a frame. Tried with several files. The same files are shown correctly from the RichPrint demo, though.

I am stuck here. Stepping through the PaintRichText() method in Preview.pas and comparing the interim results between my previewer and the RichPrint demo did not yield obvious issues.

Any ideas how to tackle the issue?

Kind regards,
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Joined: August 23rd, 2015, 9:50 am

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