StockAudioRecorder save to file (RecordToFile)- append mode

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StockAudioRecorder save to file (RecordToFile)- append mode

Postby dev.makimax » October 4th, 2013, 11:05 am

Dear support,
we are facing the follwing situation. We would like to:
- record audio to a file
- save the file
- start recording again on the same file (in append mode)

We tried using:
- StockAudioRecorder1.RecordToFile
- StockAudioRecorder1.Stop
- and again StockAudioRecorder1.RecordToFile
but the file is overwritten.

So we tried
- using RecordToStock
- adding a new WaveCollection every time
- calling savetofile for writing the waves
It works, but as the waves are big, they have to stay in memory. Therefore it would be nice to write them directly to file.

Is there any way to call RecordToFile in append mode (naturally the file will have the same PCM format)?

Many thanks for your great job!!!
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Joined: May 22nd, 2013, 3:39 pm

Re: StockAudioRecorder save to file (RecordToFile)- append m

Postby Kambiz » October 13th, 2013, 10:39 am

A simple solution is using TWaveFile or TWaveStream class to merge old and new content into a single file.
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