TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby taazz2 » October 25th, 2011, 9:01 pm

hungary2006 wrote:Following all your steps and I fire up Delphi XE2, and error TSimpleGraph occurred.

Do you care to elaborate what that error is?

I know for sure that there is one error on the demo that has to do with the new canvas class on a single event but other than that I didn't had any problems.

Just in case though I',m gone to create some Delphi XE2 packages and upload them here in a bit.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby hungary2006 » October 26th, 2011, 8:51 am

It is from the Demo sample
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby renatoosx » December 6th, 2011, 1:31 pm

hi all,

My wish list:

1 - Text Object
2 - Paragraph Object
3 - Multi-Page support

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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby taazz2 » December 20th, 2011, 11:53 pm

renatoosx wrote:hi all,
My wish list:

1 - Text Object
2 - Paragraph Object

Can you elaborate a bit what you want from the above and how you expect them to behave?

renatoosx wrote:3 - Multi-Page support

Yeah this is a bit of a problem for me too. The good news are that I'm working on multi-page printing, the bad news are that I'm doing it on my free time and I do not have any plans on adding multi-page on the control it self.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby Gronfi » December 21st, 2011, 1:14 pm

My wishes:
-That every object (not the line/link of course) works like a layer itself, so inside the canvas of each of them it is possible to composite/draw another graphs.
-The graphs/objects inside a layer must be clipped inside the owner layer, only the links can travel between layers without being clipped.

Good work,
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby taazz2 » December 25th, 2011, 8:54 pm

Gronfi wrote:Hi!
My wishes:
-That every object (not the line/link of course) works like a layer itself, so inside the canvas of each of them it is possible to composite/draw another graphs.

I have an implementation of layers that I want to port to version 2.8 but they are not based on the nodes and they have the same size as the background. At the current implementation they only control 3 properties for all the controls in the layer visibility, lock and printable.They do not have an internal object list so all the code to react as needed to the layer's properties is inside my custom nodes and links and not in the layers it self.

This way I did not had to change how TSimpleGraph handles its objects making it easier for me to upgrade to newer versions. Ofcourse this makes it slower to handle a big number of objects since simple graph has to propagate the messages through all the objects to find out if they are visible instead of asking the layer and ignore the objects in the layer it self.

I'm evaluating the cost of implementing a layer logic where each layer is a container of objects as well but I'm no ware near to start coding.

Gronfi wrote:-The graphs/objects inside a layer must be clipped inside the owner layer, only the links can travel between layers without being clipped.

Ohh you want a container node that will help you to group nodes together and allow you to create units of objects I think that this would be better handled by a group node which will act as a container. A GroupNode is something I have on my drawing board at the moment but even that will not allow you to define a clipping area although it would be closer to what you want to do. Since my needs are more oriented on an ER designer it would be ill advised to have multiple clipping regions in a single diagram.

I do not pretend that I understand the reasons behind your requirements so I can only offer my objects the moment they are ready for public review, although I"m a bit skeptic about it since I never received any feed back from my last updates. I don't know what to assume is it that my code is stable enough and no one had any problems or is it that its so unstable that no one bothered to give it a second change.

Anyway since the grouping is a feature asked by a few people in this groups I'll try to work on that and I'll post it here when its ready. This will probably be one of the 2 last updates, The other one is an update to TPreview object. Everything depends on the feed back I'll get.

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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby Gronfi » December 26th, 2011, 1:11 pm

The clipping would be nice, but not necessary (for me) :wink:
Meanwhile, waiting forward for your updates. I think the layer's control, the grouping, is a good feature (useful) for this kind of designers. In the designing of some graphs, enables the hierarchical design, the inheritance behavior of events and other kind of conditions.
thank you for your work!
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby MABP » January 14th, 2012, 11:11 am

Save flow chart in JPEG-file:

procedure TMainForm.AsJpegFile1Click(Sender: TObject);
JpegIm: TJpegImage;
bm: TBitMap;
bm := TBitMap.Create;
JpegIm := TJpegImage.Create;
// JpegIm.CompressionQuality := 20;
// JpegIm.Compress;
SavePictureDialog.Filter := 'JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg';
SavePictureDialog.DefaultExt := 'jpg';
SavePictureDialog.FileName := ChangeFileExt(SaveDialog.FileName, '.' + SavePictureDialog.DefaultExt);
if SavePictureDialog.Execute then
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby MABP » January 14th, 2012, 11:58 am

Thank you for program. My wish list:
1) All lines in many flow charts have horizontal captions (for example, | Yes). Is possible add in the properties of Link.Caption.Placement: Across (default - parallel), Cross (perpendicularly)?
2) The Link.Caption.Placement.Position is not working (if I'm not mistaken). Is possible add in the properties of Link.Caption.Placement: [-]Position (shift caption in left relative to line), [+]Position (shift caption in right relative to line)?
3) The Node.Caption.Placement.Margin is not working (if I'm not mistaken). Is possible add in the properties Node.Caption.Placement: Margin - the distance between Caption and Object sides?
4) Executable demo of TSimpleGraph component Version 2.80, compiled in Delphi 5, is not working.

Thanks again for the program!

In Delphi the connection of mouse wheel with size image is very uncomfortable. I very often mistake use mouse wheel for standard navigation on image.
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Re: TSimpleGraph

Postby HPW » December 2nd, 2012, 9:06 pm

Hello Kambiz,

After a longer period, I finally manage to update the neobook plugin to latest TSimpleGraph 2.8
Thanks again for the product support.
Hopes everything goes well for you.


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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby Kambiz » December 4th, 2012, 4:59 pm

Hi Hans-Peter,

I'm glad to see you again here.
I'm also happy to see you are still actively supporting your products.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby hungary2006 » December 12th, 2012, 12:28 am


Happy New Year in Advance. I am back as well and Delphi XE3 is at hand as well.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby Kambiz » December 14th, 2012, 10:14 am

Welcome back!
It's nice to see that Delphi has still an active community.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby smallhand » January 30th, 2013, 8:27 am

In Delphi7, I run demo program, I drag one rectangle shape, and enter some MultiByte words, and I found the words that was wraped. but the showing text is gibberish.
In DelphiXE, the demo program is ok, and How to do if I will resolut.
Thank your support, and thanks your TSimpleGraph component, I like it.
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Re: TSimpleGraph Issues (and wish list)

Postby Kambiz » January 31st, 2013, 7:43 pm

I'm sorry but Delphi versions before Delphi 9 do not support Unicode and multi-bytes characters.
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