This expression evaluator accepts variables and custom functions. Here is the list of stuffs you find in this unit:
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{ R E F E R E N C E }
{ }
{ type EEvaluateError = class(Exception) }
{ }
{ If expression evaluation fails, this exception will be raised. }
{ This exception contains the following information: }
{ }
{ * Message: String; }
{ The message describing the error. }
{ * Expression: String; }
{ The expression that has raised the exception. }
{ * Offset: Integer; }
{ The offset of error from start of expression. }
{ }
{ }
{ type TCustomFunc = function(const FuncName: String; }
{ const Params: array of Double; var Value: Double): Boolean; }
{ }
{ This is type of callback function that will be called when expression }
{ evaluator encounters an undefined function. }
{ }
{ }
{ function CallFunc(const Name: String; }
{ const Params: array of Double): Double; }
{ }
{ Returns the result of calling the function specified by the Name parameter }
{ with the arguments specified by the Params parameter. }
{ }
{ Example: }
{ }
{ Value := CallFunc('Power', [2, Exponent]); }
{ }
{ }
{ function Evaluate(const Expression: String; }
{ CustomFuncHandler: TCustomFuncEvent = nil): Double; }
{ }
{ Returns the value of an expression. }
{ }
{ Example 1: }
{ }
{ Value := Evaluate('2 * Sin(Pi * 45)'); }
{ }
{ Example 2: }
{ }
{ function MyCustomFunc(const FuncName: String; }
{ const Params: array of Double; var Value: Double): Boolean; }
{ begin }
{ Result := False; }
{ if SameText(FuncName, 'Cube') and (Length(Params) = 1) then }
{ begin }
{ Value := Params[0] * Params[0] * Params[0]; }
{ Result := True; }
{ end; }
{ end; }
{ }
{ Value := Evaluate('2 * Cube(10) + 1', @MyCustomFunc); }
{ }
{ }
{ function Evaluate(const Expression: String; }
{ const VarNames: array of String; const VarValues: array of Double; }
{ CustomFuncHandler: TCustomFuncEvent = nil): Double; }
{ }
{ Returns the value of an expression with variable referencing. }
{ }
{ Example: }
{ }
{ Value := Evaluate('(a + b) / c', ['a', 'b', 'c'], [a, b, c]); }
{ }
{ P R E D E F I N E D F U N C T I O N S }
{ }
{ Abs(X) }
{ Int(X) }
{ Frac(X) }
{ Ceil(X) }
{ Floor(X) }
{ Sign(X) }
{ Sqrt(X) }
{ Sqr(X) }
{ Hypot(X, Y) }
{ Mod(Dividend, Divisor) }
{ }
{ Sin(X) }
{ Cos(X) }
{ Tan(X) }
{ Cotan(X) }
{ Secant(X) }
{ Cosecant(X) }
{ Cot(X) }
{ Sec(X) }
{ Csc(X) }
{ CosH(X) }
{ SinH(X) }
{ TanH(X) }
{ CotH(X) }
{ SecH(X) }
{ CscH(X) }
{ ArcCos(X) }
{ ArcSin(X) }
{ ArcTan(X) }
{ ArcTan2(Y, X) }
{ ArcCot(X) }
{ ArcSec(X) }
{ ArcCsc(X) }
{ ArcCosH(X) }
{ ArcSinH(X) }
{ ArcTanH(X) }
{ ArcCotH(X) }
{ ArcSecH(X) }
{ ArcCscH(X) }
{ }
{ Ln(X) }
{ LnXP1(X) }
{ Log10(X) }
{ Log2(X) }
{ LogN(Base, X) }
{ Power(Base, Exponent) }
{ Exp(X) }
{ }
{ RadToDeg(Radians) }
{ RadToGrad(Radians) }
{ RadToCycle(Radians) }
{ DegToRad(Degrees) }
{ DegToGrad(Degrees) }
{ DegToCycle(Degrees) }
{ GradToRad(Grads) }
{ GradToDeg(Grads) }
{ GradToCycle(Grads) }
{ CycleToRad(Cycles) }
{ CycleToDeg(Cycles) }
{ CycleToGrad(Cycles) }
{ }
{ Max(A, B) }
{ Min(A, B) }
{ }
{ IfZero(X, TrueValue, FalseValue) }
{ IfNegative(X, TrueValue, FalseValue) }
{ IfPositive(X, TrueValue, FalseValue) }
{ }