by sinugovind » March 12th, 2008, 8:38 am
Hi. I have a microphone attached to my PC. I can use OnLevel property of Audio Recorder components like discussed earlier. But I have an issue. In the Volume control of my PC, in the Options - Properties - <I choose my audio input>. I set microphone as my audio recording device and set its volume to the lowest... When I use the SoundRecorder functionality available on my PC, now it does not detect sound unless I make a loud sound. But when I use the onLevel property of WaveAudio, the value of level is still > 0 when I make a small sound. So even after adjusting the microphone sensitivity the level varaible has got a non zero value when a small sound is produced. Thus the functions which should work only when a loud sound is produced gets done even after I make a small sound. Could someone please help me out