Hi all,
Finally i found the following trick for installing Component through an installer program:
At first please excuse me for bad english.I assume that your component's ClassName is for example TMDBFTable and
you have written it's source code in "MDBFTzable.Pas" :
1) Run Regedit.exe
2) Open this key -->HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0\Known Packages
in right window you must create a "StringValue" for example with folowing specification:
Name -->d:\program files\borland\delphi6\Bin\dcloffice2k60.bpl
Type --> REG_SZ
Data -->Your optional Description for this component
"Name" refer to path of your Component's .bpl file.
3) Open this Key-->HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0\Library
here you find a "StringValue" called "SearchPath", you must "add" the path of your component's Directory Name
to value of it
4) Open this Key-->HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0\Palette
Here yo can create a seperate group-name for your components that appears in Delphi's palette.
for eample :
Name --> My Custom Components
Type --> REG_SZ
Data --> MDBFTable.TMDBFTable;
Note that :
--> "My Custom Components" appears in the Delphi's Palette.
--> if you have multiple component in one unit ,for example you have another component with
TCustomCom ClassName , easily add "MDBFTable.TCustomCom" to above string value:
Result ---> "MDBFTable.TMDBFTable;MDBFTable.TCustomCom"
--> You must close Delphi IDE befor doing above steps.
That's all !!