Ladies / Gentlemen
I have just started to use the RotateImage Component and I have the following problem.
I attempted to rotate an Image 1degree and then do a RotateImage1.Picture.SaveToFile. I did this thru 360 degrees, but when I was done I had 360 Images of the Original Image. What did I do wrong.
FIRST Attempt
for J := 1 to 360 do
RotateImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(GetCurrentDir + '\RW.bmp');
S := IntToStr(J);
Z := FMBInsZeros(S, Len);
PerformRotation( RotateImage1.Angle + J );
RotateImage1.Picture.SaveToFile(GetCurrentDir + '\360Degree\RW' + Z + '.bmp');
SECOND Attempt
RotateImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(GetCurrentDir + '\RW.bmp');
for J := 1 to 360 do
S := IntToStr(J);
Z := FMBInsZeros(S, Len);
PerformRotation( RotateImage1.Angle + 1 );
RotateImage1.Picture.SaveToFile(GetCurrentDir + '\360Degree\RW' + Z + '.bmp');
Any help would be great.
Mark Moss