by Johnny_Bit » June 3rd, 2006, 5:52 pm
And as way younger, yet experienced programmer I must agree with norbert, that borland took path that will eventually lead to it's downfall. As of today with they products getting worse and worse and thay can't stop it because of MS policy, the only way is switch to open source community or circle around them. Every change is well documented and so fast and steady bugfixing that MS don't even dream about.
When it comes to real development, depending on code that you could only guess what it exacly does rather than knowing exacly, is bad policy. Scientists and man of science learnt that lesson before even troubles occur, that's why on almost every university on world you can easily find unix-based systems, that are sure, stable, and secure (and many more positives to them).
Now Borland choosing partnership with ms and their extremally bad policy, must expect some of hardest troubles, and so their customers. That's why you have so many bugs, that's why everyone is complaining about ms software and every product that is based on it, and that's why I was programming in Delphi but no longer am. Open-source community is better, and after more than 10 years relationship with ms software and 2 years with opensource, I must tell that for more than a year I only develop using normal system and near-perfect tools, not ones that can give you BSOD for no reason at all.
Take it as advice, advice it to your friends, once you see the light, you won't ever want to go back to darkness...
ps. Woo... Did someone actually understood me? Because I hardly can.
ps2. To claryfy: currently my only answers to Delphi questions are limited to my past experiance and memory... and books on my shelf and things on my hard-drive...