I've just begun working with PrintPreview.
In the General Demo, the Create method calls "...if (ParamCount > 0) and FileExists(ParamStr(1)) then..."
What component or unit's properties are the potential source(s) for "ParamCount" and "ParamStr(1)?
My first guess was "TPageSetupDialog" but I don't see those properties for that component, or its ancestors (?)
Also, I don't find uses of those terms in the "Preview.pas" unit.
Stepping through that Demo Create method, I see that that
if (ParamCount > 0) and FileExists(ParamStr(1)) then
is not used...
And I'm not familiar with the use of those arguments (?unless maybe from use of the command line?) but I don't see
references for that type of use in the demo or in the source for "Preview.pas".