I have inherited an older Delphi program that is using a Print Preview component.
However, this component is missing; I was able to replace this missing component
with your component almost seamlessly. There was PrintPreview1.MetaSave which
I replaced with PrintPreview1.SaveToFile.
In addition to the missing component the form unit(s) *.pas, *.dfm are also missing, I was able to
fill in some of the missing blanks for example, prtForm.R := prtForm.PrintPreview1.PrinterPageBounds;
but there are others that I hazard to guess at and you may be able to provide some clues…
InflateRect(prtForm.R, -(prtForm.OneCM.X), -(prtForm.OneCM.Y));
prtForm.ShowLine(10, 1, True, clWhite, 'TRAL Barcode Reject Report: ' + FormatDateTime('MM/DD/YY', Now) );
I am unsure what OneCM is, X and Y are likely coordinate plane. ShowLine appears to be writing data to a specific
coordinate plane. X is likely bounded by prtForm.R or prtForm.OneCM.X. Y is likely bounded by prtForm.OneCM.Y,
I have no clue to what role the Boolean value plays.
Any help would be appreciated.