I am very delighted of your print preview component that I discovered last week. Great work, it's easy to use and works properly as well.
But since using it, my application compiles with several deprecated warnings and at the end there's a memory leak because of an open filehandle. I slightly patched my local copy like this:
1. The deprecated warnings
In Delphi XE7 the TStream.Seek method you use is deprecated. It can easily be replaced by the overloaded version that takes a parameter of TSeekOrigin enumeration.
2. The memory leak
In Delphi XE7 there's also a memory leak at the end. This occurs because in TTemporaryFileStream.Create a filehandle is created that would never be closed. Adding a overrode destructor that calls CloseHandle(fHandle) resolves that leak.
I really appreciate your work. Thank you very much for this component.
Maybe you'll consider adding those changes to your next version.
Best regards
Florian Grummel