Bug in SimpleGraph ???

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Bug in SimpleGraph ???

Postby P_G » June 14th, 2004, 11:21 am

SimpleGraph 1.21

First of all: Congratulations for this great component. It's very useful and stable.
But I noticed a bug in the new zoom-feature (or at least I think it's a bug): If the node contains a graphic, this graphic is not displayed properly when zooming. It seems theres a problem with the bounding-box. :shock:

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Postby Kambiz » June 14th, 2004, 1:15 pm

I couldn't regenerate the case.

Could you please attach a screenshot and its associated sgp file?
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Sorry !!!

Postby P_G » June 14th, 2004, 2:39 pm

Sorry, Kambiz.
My fault - there's no bug in displaying graphics while zooming. The problem ocurred because I modificated the procedure TGraphNode.DrawBackground to use Metafiles instead of Bitmaps in graphics. This caused the bug I referred to (so I produced this bug by myself). :oops:
Nevertheless I do not have success in implementing this feature: I need the possibility of attaching a metafile or a bitmap into the node's picture.
Do you have any ideas?

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Postby Kambiz » June 14th, 2004, 5:36 pm

The Background property of TGraphNode is TPicture. So, it can be assigned or loaded by any Delphi supported image format (Bitmap, Icon, JPEG, Metafile).

Code: Select all
if SimpleGraph.Objects[I] is TGraphNode then

Code: Select all
if SimpleGraph.Objects[I] is TGraphNode then
  TGraphNode(SimpleGraph.Objects[I]).Background := Image1.Picture;

Code: Select all
if SimpleGraph.Objects[I] is TGraphNode then

Code: Select all
if SimpleGraph.Objects[I] is TGraphNode then
  TGraphNode(SimpleGraph.Objects[I]).Background.Graphic := ABitmap;
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Yip, I know this.

Postby P_G » June 15th, 2004, 7:58 am

Kambiz wrote:The Background property of TGraphNode is TPicture. So, it can be assigned or loaded by any Delphi supported image format (Bitmap, Icon, JPEG, Metafile).

This is true of course. There's only the problem that the DrawBackGround-procedure converts the Metafile to a Bitmap. So if you stretch the node, you can see the pixels of the graphic. To avoid this effect I tried to change the DrawBackGround to work with Metafiles (Stretch instead of StretchBLT). This worked fine but caused the discribed bug in the new version. :cry:
Any help of you would be apreciated.

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Postby Kambiz » June 15th, 2004, 9:12 am

Some printer drivers only accept DIB bitmaps to draw on their canvas. Althought, for a metafile that doesn't contain a DDB bitmap there's no problem. However, the code is written in a general manner.
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Interesting ...

Postby P_G » June 15th, 2004, 9:26 am

Hi Kambiz,

Actually I didn't check printer results. I just saw the results on the monitor and it was a matter of quality for me. Is there no way to implement a workaround for the StretchBLT so that vectorgraphics are displayed properly on the monitor and the zoomfunction stills works correct? :(

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Postby Kambiz » June 15th, 2004, 3:08 pm

The following code may help you.

Code: Select all
procedure TGraphNode.DrawBackground(Canvas: TCanvas);
  Rgn: HRGN;
  if (Background.Graphic <> nil) and (Background.Graphic is TMetaFile) then
    Rgn := CreateTargetRegion(Canvas);
      SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, Rgn);
      PlayEnhMetaFile(Canvas.Handle, TMetaFile(Background.Graphic).Handle, BoundsRect);
      SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, 0);
    Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
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Fantastic !!!

Postby P_G » June 15th, 2004, 3:20 pm

Thanks alot, Kambiz !
:D :D :D
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