TStockAudioRecorder DeviceID

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TStockAudioRecorder DeviceID

Postby Alexis » July 13th, 2013, 8:22 pm

Hello , i use the TStockAudioRecorder Component in my Project , but i noticed an issue :

When i change the DeviceName something like this :

Code: Select all
StockAudioRecorder.DeviceID:=Devices.ItemIndex; // --> Devices is A listBox holds all available Devices

The StockAudioRecorder doesn't get notified by this Change , but it still uses the Predefined DeviceID .

So what should i do : is there any Update routine or any other routine that can notify the StockAudioRecorder to use the Selected DeviceID ?

many thanks
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Joined: March 3rd, 2012, 12:18 am

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