LineAngle (IntersectLine simplegraph)

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LineAngle (IntersectLine simplegraph)

Postby glabz74 » December 24th, 2012, 8:29 pm

Good time, could somebody help me? I've got a problem whit angle, for example in
IntersectLineEllipse i added:

ShowMessage('Angle: '+FloatToStr(LineAngle*180/pi));

and in program it shows:


May be i do not understand what exactly means "LineAngle"? :|

Any way, How to make that once was given the second point, it maintained its position?
after Intersect second point do not move to the center of shape, it should save x position
something like it (red line)


Please, i really need your help :(
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Re: LineAngle (IntersectLine simplegraph)

Postby Kambiz » January 5th, 2013, 11:20 am

Please follow the link to know more about the line angle (or line slope):

The link object has a set of options that using them you can define which points of a link are fixed and which ones are movable.
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