Beginedit PageSize

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Beginedit PageSize

Postby Acheron » December 5th, 2012, 10:02 pm


I've just started using TprintPreview, which is absolutaley great, however I cannot cope with the next problem:

I create a report with many pages. The pagenumbers can be in the format "actual page/sum of pages", and because of this, I can not know in advance the value of "sum pages".
So I decided to use Beginedit/Endedit pair on the actual pages, to write the pagenumbers. In the preview it looks all ok, but when I save it as a pdf, the result has Huuuuuge pages, with the upperleft corner containig the actual page graphic, and the pagenumber is on the other size of the paper.
If i replace this method with another one that does not use beginedit/endedit, the resulting pdf is correct, however thus I cannot write pagenums in this format.

Is this a bug ot I forgot about something?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Beginedit PageSize

Postby Kambiz » December 6th, 2012, 7:19 pm


I suppose you are using Synopse PDF library, right?
I had a similar problem with pages containing rich text when pdf was generated by Synopse.
As far as I know, the dsPDF does not have any problem.
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Re: Beginedit PageSize

Postby Acheron » December 6th, 2012, 7:37 pm


Yes, you' re right! Just few minutes after posting this question yesterday did I realize that I should give dsPDF a try, and it did not produce the same problem. However it much slower and creates bigger files unfortunately.
So I think i will try to precalculate the number of pages so I won't have to use beginedit.
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