TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

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TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby jjlopez » November 21st, 2012, 9:57 pm

First of all congratulations for your great job with the i18n components .

I have found that if you have a TWebBrowser component in a form and you add a TTranslator component Delphi goes crazy and you get a lot of access violation errors.

I have tested it with Delphi XE3.

Here you are the error log from Delphi Xe3:

[5017E8DE]{rtl170.bpl } System.Win.ComObj.DispatchInvokeError (Line 1906, "System.Win.ComObj.pas" + 8) + $2
[50568E5D]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.OleCtrls.TOleControl.GetProperty (Line 1433, "Vcl.OleCtrls.pas" + 5) + $7
[50568F5D]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.OleCtrls.TOleControl.GetWideStringProp (Line 1472, "Vcl.OleCtrls.pas" + 2) + $6
[500F5F04]{rtl170.bpl } System.TypInfo.{System.TypInfo}TPropSet<System.WideString>.GetProc (Line 2220, "System.TypInfo.pas" + 10) + $8
[500F4839]{rtl170.bpl } System.TypInfo.GetWideStrProp (Line 3137, "System.TypInfo.pas" + 5) + $A
[0A7D1328]{i18n.bpl } I18nlocalizer.GetNText + $5D8
[0A7D15FF]{i18n.bpl } I18nlocalizer.GetTranslatableProperties + $57
[0A75659F]{i18nDesign.bpl} I18npropeditor.TTranslatableEditor.ReadProperties + $17
[0A755D22]{i18nDesign.bpl} I18npropeditor.TTranslatableEditor.Execute + $96
[0A759705]{i18nDesign.bpl} I18nreg.TTranslatorComponentEditor.Edit + $25
[2111B5C9]{designide170.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TInternalItem.Edit (Line 7205, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 1) + $F
[210E24EC]{designide170.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.Edit (Line 976, "Designer.pas" + 0) + $4
[210E47E3]{designide170.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.MouseDown (Line 1677, "Designer.pas" + 50) + $6
[51ECB409]{vcldesigner170.bpl} VCLSurface.TComponentToolWindow.WndProc (Line 1603, "VCLSurface.pas" + 16) + $32
[51ECBEAB]{vcldesigner170.bpl} VCLSurface.TContainer.WndProc (Line 1903, "VCLSurface.pas" + 39) + $6
[51ECB22B]{vcldesigner170.bpl} VCLSurface.TDesignerToolWindow.MainWndProc (Line 1538, "VCLSurface.pas" + 2) + $7
[5013BDC4]{rtl170.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 16891, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[5052ED30]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.CancelHint (Line 11037, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 6) + $7
[5052D9AF]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10208, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
[5052D9F2]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10238, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
[5052DD2D]{vcl170.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10376, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 26) + $3

Do you know how it can be corrected ?

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Re: TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby dec » November 22nd, 2012, 2:22 pm


I can confirm the problem in Delphi XE2, however, a possible workaround can be to put the "TWebBrowser" into a "TFrame". Then, you can put the "TFrame" (with the "TWebBrowser") in a form. This form can now contain the "Translator" and even the "Localizer" components without problems. Since I think the "TWebBrowser" cannot be translated (did not have any property to translate) maybe this can work around the problem.

Hope this can help in some manner.
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Re: TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby Kambiz » November 25th, 2012, 8:13 pm

This weekend I couldn't find some spare time to fix this problem, but I try to do it next weekend. :cf:
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Re: TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby dec » November 26th, 2012, 7:41 am

Kambiz wrote:This weekend I couldn't find some spare time to fix this problem, but I try to do it next weekend. :cf:

Thank you Kambiz!
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Re: TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby Kambiz » December 2nd, 2012, 4:47 pm

I just uploaded a new update with a workaround to this problem.
Sorry for the delay.
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Re: TTranslator not working with TWebBrowser

Postby dec » December 3rd, 2012, 8:07 am

You no need to apologize. Thank you Kambiz!
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