Currently I've a unit with constants, it's looked like this:
- Code: Select all
unit GlobalConstsUnit;
sBool_True = 'Yes';
sBool_False = 'No';
sStatusBar_Status = 'Status: %s';
sAPB_Enabled = 'Running';
sAPB_disabled = 'Disabled';
sAPBOnMutex = 'One instance of this program already is running!' + #10#13 +
'You can search it:' + #10#13 + '1. On desktop or in taskbar panel' + #10#13
+ '2. In system tray(beside the clocks)' + #10#13 +
'3. In list of process of "Task Manager"(Press Ctrl+Alt+Del), with name APB.exe';
sPriority_Lowest = 'Low';
sPriority_BelowNormal = 'Below normal';
sPriority_Normal = 'Normal';
sPriority_AboveNormal = 'Above normal';
sPriority_High = 'High';
sPriority_RealTime = 'Real time';
sOnOffBtn_On = 'Enable';
sOnOffBtn_Off = 'Disable';
sAffinityEditMaxDesc = '(Max.: %d )';
sRuleEditError_MsgBox = 'You made the following errors: ';
sRuleEditError_1 = '*List of targets is empty';
sRuleEditError_2 = '*Field "CPU affinity" is empty';
sAffDesc2fmt =
'(You can set rsPU numbers from 1 to %d, separated by commas. Set %d for using all CPUs)';
sNotUsed = 'Not used';
sTimerStatus_1 = 'All functions disabled!';
sTimerStatus_2 = 'List of rules is empty!';
sTrayShowHideBtn_Show = 'Show window';
sTrayShowHideBtn_Hide = 'Hide window';
sStatusPanel_Stop = 'Status: Disabled';
sStatusPanel_Work = 'Status: Running';
sStatusPanel_StopEx = 'Status: Disabled(%s)';
sStatusPanel_WorkEx = 'Status: Running(%s)';
sUnknownProcessUser = '<Unknown Owner>';
This isn't Form or Data Module, how to translate it?