live mp3 convert and sending over TCP/udp

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live mp3 convert and sending over TCP/udp

Postby xorrot » May 18th, 2012, 5:35 pm


i recently downloaded waveaudio and example files and liked the easy way of it :) thanks!

so i tried the live demos and the broadcaster and reciever sample programs, it worked fine! I also tried the live converter program it also worked fine on delphi XE !

but now my problem is getting this three applications together!

the procedure

procedure LiveAudioRecorderData(Sender: TObject;
const Buffer: Pointer; BufferSize: Cardinal; var FreeIt: Boolean);

has a const buffer of Pointer writing this in a file shows me that it really bloats up the file because of uncompressed audio data.. yes I could zip it but I think mp3 is better so I tried to get the Live converter demo working with receiever and broatcaster but the problem is that the wavefile class has no events I also could not recognize where and when it is storing data to a file to write my own events to send the compressed data over tcp/udp

procedure TMainForm.LiveRecorderData(Sender: TObject; const Buffer: Pointer;
BufferSize: Cardinal; var FreeIt: Boolean);
WaveFile.Write(Buffer^,BufferSize); //here is the problem the write procedure I cannot see where it stores soimething to disk

is there any other way to encode it in mp3 and send it over tcp or udp?

thank for your help!
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