TAudioMixer and selecting input line for recording

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TAudioMixer and selecting input line for recording

Postby mian » March 10th, 2004, 5:51 pm


I've just started working with WaveAudio package (v1.521) and I like it :)

But I'm a bit confused about TAudioMixerLine.SelectedLine property.
I change it to e.g. 7 (ID of microphone line, on my machine) but Windows Recording Control shows selected line with ID = 1.
I looked at it more and found a rule:
I have 9 lines for recording with IDs 0..8.
When I select "0" then windows shows that "8" is selected;
I select "1" and I get "7";
I select "2" and I get "6" and so on.

ID that I get in Win Recording Control = LinesCount - selectedID - 1

I've looked through the code and it seems to be intentional:
WaveMixer.Pas line: 409
Code: Select all
   Result := fControls[mcSelect].cMultipleItems - DWORD(ValIndex) - 1;

WaveMixer.Pas line: 428
Code: Select all
  ValIndex := fControls[mcSelect].cMultipleItems - DWORD(Value) - 1;

Is it a bug or I'm in the wrong?

Posts: 2
Joined: March 10th, 2004, 4:54 pm

Postby mian » March 11th, 2004, 7:32 am

The problem is on my Win2k mashine. It seems to work fine with Windows ME.
Posts: 2
Joined: March 10th, 2004, 4:54 pm

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