I see that a new version is out and I was wandering if it would possible to let me know where exactly the changes are made in the code.
The reason I ask is that I've been working with 2.72 version and I have significant changes that I do not want to lose.
Those changes are ..
1) chane the way the mouse is propagated through the objectlist to respect the DrawOrder user selection ee when the draw order was doNodesOnTop it could select a link drawn behind the node that it was on top of it in the ZOrder.
2) Added a new heirarchy of objects TSGCanvas which has the same interface as TCanvas but allows to override all the drawing methods those objects include
a TSGGDICanvas which is just a proxy to an existing Canvas, TSGGDIPlusCanvas which is using the progdigy GDI+ files to override the default draw methods to
use GDI+
3) Some minor changes that I needed to writed inherited TSimplegraph that has different behavior.
These changes are stable enough for pear review and testing and I would like to post them here for inclusion on the official release after beta testing from any one interested and I want to make sure that the latest version is used.
Thank you for your attention.